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Sara Freeman

‘She has always wanted this: to slip beneath the surface, to dispossess herself.’

An extract from Sara Freeman’s forthcoming novel.


Vanessa Onwuemezi

‘The hotel is pink all over, as the bitten inside of her mouth, as her dark father’s radiant bottom lip’.

A story by Vanessa Onwuemezi, from her collection Dark Neighbourhood.

The Repeat Room

Jesse Ball

‘The place was so squat and pitiless, so endless, repetitive, fluorescent.’

Fiction by Jesse Ball.

A Last Chance in Whitefish

Adam O’Fallon Price

‘The dialogue, of course, is almost entirely invented, though true to the spirit and tone.’

A story by Adam O’Fallon Price.

Mbiu Dash

Okwiri Oduor

‘This made me big thirteen, the type to be able to drink mead on Epitaph Day if I wanted.’

A story by Okwiri Oduor.

Checkout 19

Claire-Louise Bennett

‘Month after month I ruefully drop the most perfect shade of red down the toilet and flush it away.’

An excerpt from Claire-Louise Bennett’s forthcoming novel.

An As-Yet-Undiscovered Land Mammal

Mariana Leky

An excerpt from Mariana Leky’s What You Can See From Here.

Licked Clean

Sammy Wright

From Test Signal: Northern Anthology of New Writers.

Guard / Dear Katherine

Akwaeke Emezi

An excerpt from Akwaeke Emezi’s Dear Senthuran: a Black spirit memoir.

Have You Met Husband?

Amy Silverberg

‘It was new, that heat coming off of him, a person seeing you naked and wanting to see you again, the next day, clothed. It was definitely the beginning of something.’

New fiction from Amy Silverberg.

Ceremony of Innocence

Madeleine Bunting

A journalist receives a troubling call about a friend in this excerpt from Madeleine Bunting’s new novel Ceremony of Innocence.

Fertile Soil

Katerina Gibson

Winner of the Commonwealth Writers Short Story Prize for the Pacific region.

Gororau (Borderlands)

Elizabeth O’Connor

‘Tad took down any picture of Mam the week after she died. He said they would bring bad luck to the house.’

A story set in rural Wales.