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Nights at the Hotel Splendido

Sam Munson

‘Everybody’s face looks different at night, especially outside. You see their real faces.’

A new story by Sam Munson.

From Another World

Evelina Santangelo

An excerpt from the novel From Another World, translated from the Italian by Ruth Clarke.


Sayaka Murata

An excerpt from Earthlings, translated from the Japanese by Ginny Tapley Takemori.

The Infinite Room

Claudia Durastanti

‘My life as a writer depends on irony and metaphor, and my parents are horrified and alienated by both.’

Translated from the Italian by Elizabeth Harris.

Double Date

Sasha Fletcher

‘Off in the distance, the landlords laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed!’

An excerpt from the new novel by Sasha Fletcher.


Zakia Uddin

‘I had begun to google the therapist reflexively whenever I was bored.’

A short story by Zakia Uddin.


Ana Kinsella

‘The first time I was painted by Hannah Meehan, she spent some time arranging me into a pose that would work for her.’

A short story by Ana Kinsella.

Shining the Boot

Sarah Bernstein

‘I did my work and looked perfectly happy, tidy and unobjectionable, shining, shining the boot.’

New fiction from Sarah Bernstein.

The Schoolmaster’s Enemy

Missouri Williams

A new short story by Missouri Williams, author of The Doloriad.


Saba Sams

A new short story by Saba Sams.

How to Be a Revolutionary

CA Davids

‘How could anything be yours, intimately yours, and not belong to you at all?’

An excerpt from the new novel by CA Davids.


Ursula Scavenius

‘All I ask is that we arrive.’

A short story translated by Jennifer Russell.

The Blake Fellowship

Timothy Ogene

‘They call it POC here, you know, People of Colour.’

An excerpt from Timothy Ogene’s satire, Seesaw.