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The Great Santa
Geoffrey Wolff
‘The Great Santa, like circumstance itself, blew hot and cold; He was all caprice, chance, crapshoot.’
I’m a Mad Dog Biting Myself for Sympathy
Louise Erdrich
‘I had never seen a child this little before, so small that it was not a child yet.’
War Memories
Peregrine Hodson
‘I said I thought it was difficult to judge the actions of war in peace because war and peace are different worlds.’
Time’s Arrow (Part Two)
Martin Amis
‘Nine nights later we woke up in the small hours and lay there coldly. “Shtib,” he grunted.’
Julian Barnes
‘Everything bad came from the north. Whatever else they believed, the whole town, both parts of it, knew that.’
The Temple in Budapest
Nicola Pressburger & Giorgio Pressburger
‘Like the exterminating angel the rabbi appeared among us.’
Epistle to the New Age
Gore Vidal
‘I’m Bishop of Macedonia, as you will know in time if you are not lucky enough to be in time already.’
New World (Part Four)
Jonathan Raban
‘Sleep has disassembled the self: it will take patience to rebuild a person out of the heap of components in the bed.’
Dry Run
Victoria Tokareva
‘My address book is overpopulated, like a communal apartment during the post-war housing shortage.’
What Remains
Christa Wolf
‘The coffee has to be strong and hot, filtered; the egg not too soft; home-made preserves; black bread.’